by Cath Gray | Apr 11, 2014 | News
We have been approved for our license upgrade to an LPFM license by the CRTC, this will enable us to begin broadcasting at 50 watts instead of the current 5 mandated by our developmental license. This means we are entitled to keep our frequency secure (96.5!) and are...
by Cath Gray | Dec 15, 2013 | News
Submitted by Bee Wolf-Ray We need a design for the header of the website and we want you to design it! If you can incorporate the existing logo, that would be amazing. All graphic artists and designers are invited to create a spiffy logo/header for our website and...
by Cath Gray | Oct 23, 2013 | News
From the November First Edition Radio Report submitted by Bee Wolf Ray: Well, we are moving right along with a full head of steam here at Hornby’s own community radio. Our application for a Low Power FM license (LPFM) is churning its way through the system; the...