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We have been approved for our license upgrade to an LPFM license by the CRTC, this will enable us to begin broadcasting at 50 watts instead of the current 5 mandated by our developmental license. This means we are entitled to keep our frequency secure (96.5!) and are now a fully fledged radio station. We still have to go through a lengthy process with Industry Canada, and upon approval from them we will acquire the equipment (new transmitter and antenna) to allow for the shift. Yes!

Doug Chinnery reported that we upgraded the CHFR antenna on April 11 in a great team effort consisting of a climber, a tech, an electrician, a project manager, and lots of other helpers. Here’s a video Doug made of the action at the top of the tower.

Our AGM will be held May 4 2pm at New Horizons. Please note, it is not going to be at Joe King as it has been in previous years, as the clubhouse will be undergoing renovation during this period. Don’t forget to renew or purchase your membership by April 4th so you can vote at the meeting. Memberships are $15, good for one year, and are available at the Gas Bar.

If you are organizing an event of any kind, drop off a poster or written description to the studio so our DJs can read them in the community announcements. We announce events several times a day.

As of February, CHFR has the ability to broadcast during power outages. Our new generator got its first uses during the power outages in February. So do put batteries in your radio and listen in the car.

If you would like to be a DJ, there are always new spots opening up in the schedule; remember, membership in both HCRS and HIAA are required.

Businesses and individuals can also support HCRS by becoming sponsors. To find out how to become a sponsor, call Maggie May. If you want to become a DJ, talk to one of our daily keyholders to find out more. See the First Edition (Hornby Island community paper) to find out who the keyholders are.