Our journey toward our new license continues! We have the new transmitter, which is now functional; the next step is to install the new antenna. We have the new antenna now; it will be installed on Thursday at 9am. The station will be off the air for an hour or so while that is happening, during Morning Train and possibly part of Potholes.
On June 23, we begin an official On-Air Test broadcast at the new wattage of 50 watts for three weeks ending July 15. There will mostly likely not be any change to our programming schedule during this time. The purpose of the On-Air Test is to ensure that there is no interference or fluctuations in our frequency. We are mandated by Industry Canada to do this; they may come to the island to inspect our station and measure our frequency during that time.
After that point, if there are no problems with the On-Air Test, Industry Canada will issue us with a Certificate to Broadcast which we submit to CTRC, who will then issue us with our Broadcast License.
Then we will be official, legal and secure on the dial!